Where Theory meets Experience

Clinical Support

8 courses

General Nursing

8 courses

Healthcare Support

8 courses

Hospital Management

8 courses

Disability & Inclusion

8 courses

Clinical & Surgical

8 courses

About CCBRT Academy

Our Academy is committed to ‘set and maintain’ standards of excellence in teaching and learning. We do this by offering a cutting-edge learning environment for working healthcare staff that enhances learning by efficiently integrating theory and practice.

CCBRT is Tanzania’s largest provider of disability and rehabilitation services. We serve the community with accessible, specialized services and development programs. While a great amount of capacity building is continuously taking place at our hospital, we have decided to open the CCBRT Academy in order to make the trainings not only for CCBRT staff but also accessible to the wider community of Dar es Salaam.


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Why train at CCBRT Academy?


CCBRT Academy aims to


Number of staffed
profesional trainers


Facilities at CCBRT


Participants trained
to date


number of specialized
trainings that we offer


Trainee Feedback

I received a baby who was floppy and not able to initiate spontaneous breathing post c/s secondary to fetal distress, deeply I was frightened but calm due to my knowledge on HBB practice, I had a successful resuscitation and a baby scored 7-10 and was able to breastfeed, so me and the team we were all happy as we saved the baby from birth asphyxia” By Zainab (Midwife) “I receive post C/S mother from the theater and helped her position the baby and the mother was able to initiate breastfeeding within one hour. I was able to achieve this after getting trained at CCBRT on the importance of initiation of early breastfeeding to a baby within one hour and position used to put the baby during breastfeeding.

As I was seeing a mother whose decision was made to deliver by c/section due to arrested fetal descend. Having the knowledge, I gained and the skills I got from this training at CCBRT on the importance of monitoring contractions and the complications which come with cesarean section, I noticed that there was necessity of increasing the power so I quickly asked for permission from my superior to give this mama more time and keep on monitoring and then she delivered safely vaginally, a female baby with an APGAR score of 8 -10. I prevented this mother from unnecessary c/section.” (medical doctor)

I have encountered pregnant women who had prolonged labor with normal fetal heart rate, and it was decided that she should go for c/s. I requested if l could get two hours to monitor her as long as fetal 35 heart rate was normal. Fortunately, within one hour of monitoring, the woman was delivered a female baby with a good Apgar score. She was very happy and thankful to me, my co-worker came to praise me for being committed. Therefore l saved the mother from c/s which would expose her to more c/s. This was achieved from what l have learned through the training that, proper monitoring and not giving up during caring for the patient should always be hands-on.

I met this lady 14 years old who just had a spontaneous vaginal delivery at 11 am she had a female baby weight 3.5kg scored 8,10 but had a 2nd-degree tear and was very confused with the trauma and labour pain she had and the way she was treated earlier so she refused to be repaired her perineum, therefore, I started counselling her about her perineum repair, at first she didn't want at all she said it'll heal on its own but continued counselling her for about 30 minutes explaining what I'll do and how long it would take the medications I'll use until she agreed then I repaired her and she went to breastfeed her child. Therefore lesson learned is that, we should always not give up on helping the patient in whatever circumstance.
